

UHI Argyll is a not-for-profit limited company and charity which is governed by a Board of up to 16 Governors who are responsible for overseeing the business of UHI Argyll, its future direction, and fostering an environment in which UHI Argyll's mission is achieved and the potential of all learners is maximised.

All Governors must comply with a Code of Conduct, which includes a requirement to annually register any interests of interest or relevance to UHI Argyll matters.

You can find further information on the composition of the current board at:

Board members' Profiles

The Governors meet four times each year at Board meetings and you can find the approved minutes of each meeting at:

Minutes from our Board of Governors meetings

Each Governor also participates in at least one of the following sub-committees of the Board, which meet up to four times each year or as required.

  • Learning, Teaching and Engagement
  • Finance and General Purposes
  • Human Resource and Remuneration
  • Audit
  • Nominations (recruitment to the Board)

*Approved minutes of these sub-committees are available on request.

Further information on governance of the College can be found here: