Board of Governors Profiles


The Board of Governors of UHI Argyll currently has 12 members. It includes Interim Principal Elaine Munro, a staff member, and a student member. A member of the Board of Governors (other than the Principal and the student member) will hold office for a period of 4 years with the option of reappointment for a further two terms, serving for a maximum of 12 years. The Principal of the college is a member of the Board for as long as they hold that position.

About the board

All Governors must comply with the Code of Good Governance, as detailed in the UHI Argyll Constitution and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors, whose key principles are: Public Service, Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability and Stewardship, Openness, Honesty, Leadership and Respect. Membership of the Board is voluntary and unremunerated except in the case of reasonable expenses. Our Board Member Recruitment Policy details the recruitment process and requirements for membership of the Board.

One of the many roles of the Board of Governors is to provide strategic leadership and direction to the college, through oversight of, and contribution to, key strategy documents - such as the Regional Outcome Agreement - and by setting strategic priorities for areas including financial objectives and staffing strategies for example.

Dr Rosemary Allford (Chair)

Rosemary has worked in both the College and Higher Education sectors across the UK for over 20 years as an academic, project manager and as a freelance consultant. Rosemary joined Edinburgh Napier University as a lecturer in entrepreneurship in November 2018, developing new routes to support learning in the workplace. Prior to this Rosemary led several SFC strategic projects with a focus on student employability and building leadership capacity within Scotland’s colleges. She has a portfolio career with previous roles as a consultant in academic practice with the Higher Education Academy, the University of Wolverhampton and as a Head of School, Carnegie College. She is also the current Chair of the Parent Council of a large High School in Scotland.

Maggie Tierney - Vice Chair

Maggie is the recently retired CEO of Stramash, a chain of outdoor nursery providers in rural towns across Scotland including Oban in Argyll. She has over 15 years experience of senior public policy leadership from her roles in the Scottish Government including on child protection, additional support for learning, development of the early years sector and school-age education strategy and performance. Maggie has previously worked as a social researcher in various academic roles in universities in Dublin, Norway (Alta) and Edinburgh. She lives in Edinburgh with her family and is a frequent visitor to Argyll.

Joe Wright - Interim Principal

Joe worked for 25 years in various roles within the Department for Work and Pensions across Glasgow and the Highlands. These roles involved the management of jobcentres, social security offices or teams and, latterly, the implementation of a new Human Resources service across the Highlands and Islands. 

Joe moved to the far North in 2009 to work for North Highland College as HR Manager and moved to UHI Argyll in 2021 as Head of HR & OD. Joe has recently taken up the role of interim Principal, with a remit to help steer the college through the UHI Transformation project. 

Iain Jurgensen

Iain is the Managing Director of Portavadie Loch Fyne, a resort in Argyll committed to the delivery of outstanding hospitality experiences by a passionate, skilled and career focussed team. Iain is the current Chair of Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative and Vice Chair of Developing the Young Workforce Argyll. Iain has over 30 years industry experience working and believes success comes from developing individuals and teams. Portavadie successfully partnered with Argyll College in developing the innovative Accelerated Hospitality Leadership Program. Iain will provide industry insight to the board, highlighting opportunities within the tourism and hospitality sector to support its continued growth through continuous learning and development of its people.

Elodie Lemaire Nowinski

Elodie was born in France and lived in Paris for more than 20 years before arriving in Scotland in the Spring of 2019. The first half of her career was spent in academia, both as a professor and as a senior manager after graduating from La Sorbonne Paris 4 and SciencesPo Paris, in history and political Sciences.  She has been teaching fashion studies and luxury business in many institutions across Europe and in the US since 2005, and worked for the private sector in Fashion tech between Paris, New York and London. Resuming her career in academia, she took the role of Dean of Faculty at City of Glasgow College in 2019 and is now the Director for Curriculum, Inclusion and Skills at West College Scotland. She recently obtained her MBA specialising in data and innovation and will graduate from a PhD in design and innovation at the Glasgow School of Art in 2026. She also serves on the board of YDance Scotland from November 2024. 

Bettina Sizeland

Bettina is head of tourism and major events in Scottish Government with responsibility for strategic development of tourism and delivery of major events to showcase Scotland and support economic growth, working closely with industry leaders and SMEs. She has worked on a number of exciting major events for Scotland including the European Championships and Year of Young People in 2018 and Solheim Cup in 2019. Pipeline events include the UEFA championships postponed to 2021 and the 2023 UCI cycling world championships. She is also Visit Scotland’s Scottish Government sponsor. Previously Bettina has worked across Scotland and internationally leading delivery of major digital and infrastructure development programmes for a range of private and public sector organisations including Scottish Enterprise, City of Edinburgh Council, Department for International Development and WS Atkins. She is a keen advocate for tourism and major events in Scotland and uses her spare time to attempt munro bagging with family and dog.

Heather Stevenson

Heather has over thirty years' experience in the field of Human Resources, specialising in Employee & Industrial Relations, Equalities & Diversity, and Reward & Remuneration. Her experience was gained in a variety of different public sector organisations, including the NHS, Local Government and the Care Commission/Inspectorate. She joined the college sector in 2013 and since 2016 she has played a key role in the National Bargaining arena. Latterly she held the position of Director of Employment Services with Colleges Scotland, from which she has recently retired.

Alan Rodgers

Alan is part of the Curriculum Management team at UHI Argyll and has been working at the college since 2022. After completing a Master of Business Administration degree in Management from Glasgow Caledonian University, Alan worked in hospitality leadership roles, including managing and directing his own restaurant business. In order to further develop his interests in learning, Alan achieved a Professional Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education, specialising in Mathematics and has now been working in the Scottish Education system for 15 years. Just prior to making the move to UHI Argyll, Alan completed a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Mathematics from The Open University.

To better understand what makes the experience at UHI Argyll unique for students, Alan is beginning a Professional Doctorate research project. The aim of this is to learn what works well and where change can improve outcomes for students in rural college settings.

Alan is well known to the UHI Argyll lecturers and is pleased to be their voice on the board, as their teaching staff representative.