Mathematics National 5

What is special about this course?

Mathematics is important in everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives.

Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

The course aims to:

  • motivate and challenge learners by enabling them to select and apply mathematical techniques in a variety of mathematical and real-life situations
  • develop confidence in the subject and a positive attitude towards further study in mathematics
  • develop skills in manipulation of abstract terms in order to solve problems and to generalise
  • allow learners to interpret, communicate and manage information in mathematical form; skills which are vital to scientific and technological research and development
  • develop the learner's skills in using mathematical language and to explore mathematical ideas
  • develop skills relevant to learning, life and work in an engaging and enjoyable way

Entry requirements

Candidates would be expected to have achieved one of the following:

  • Core Maths 3
  • Standard Grade Maths at level 3
  • Intermediate 1 Mathematics at A level
  • National 4 Mathematics

Applicants who do not meet one of these criteria would be given a short entrance test based on National 4 Maths level questions.

Join our online information session on Thursday 15th August at 6pm to find out more about Level 5 Maths courses and discover which one is best for you - book now on Eventbrite

The National 5 Mathematics course comprises 3 broad subject areas, and is assessed via an external examination.

  • Mathematics: Expressions and Formulae

You will develop skills linked to mathematical expressions and formulae. These include the manipulation of abstract terms, the simplification of expressions and the evaluation of formulae. Topics cover aspects of number, algebra, geometry and reasoning.

  • Mathematics: Relationships

You will develop skills linked to mathematical relationships. These include solving and manipulating equations, working with graphs and carrying out calculations on the lengths and angles of shapes. The topics cover aspects of algebra, geometry, trigonometry and reasoning.

  • Mathematics: Applications

You will develop skills linked to applications of mathematics. These include using trigonometry, geometry, number processes and statistics within real-life contexts. The topics cover aspects of these skills and also skills in reasoning.

It is important that National 5 Maths candidates devote regular time to revision and independent study outwith class, as it is not possible to achieve success only by attending the weekly classes and tutorial.

How will I study my course?

  • Part Time
  • Evening

This course can be delivered face to face in a classroom, networked to a number of centres by video conferencing, or through a combination of these methods of delivery.

How long will my course last?

1 Academic Year

Where can I study my course?

    • UHI Argyll
    • Arran Learning Centre
    • Campbeltown Learning Centre
    • Dunoon Learning Centre
    • Helensburgh Learning Centre
    • Islay Learning Centre
    • Lochgilphead Learning Centre
    • Oban Learning Centre
    • Rothesay Learning Centre

Start date

Classes will take place in your local learning centre. You will attend class for one evening each week and the class will last for 2 hours. In addition, there are two weekly online 1 hour tutorials on offer. You are required to attend one, but welcome to attend both. 


The fee for this course is £352 which can be paid in installments.

If you are on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits may receive a fee waiver. Please refer to page 2 of our Fees and Funding Guide to see if you are eligible.  If you think this may apply to you, please contact us and we can advise you.

If you do not qualify for a fee waiver, you may be able to apply for an Individual Training Account (ITA) to cover up to £200 the cost of this course.

This course is not available to students who require a Tier 4 Home Office visa to study in Scotland (international or EU).


What can I do on completion of my course?

Successful candidates will be able to progress to a range of qualifications including Higher Mathematics. National 5 Mathematics is also a prerequisite for entry to teacher training programmes.

Is there more information available online?

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Apply for Mathematics National 5

I want to start in 2024/25
I want to start in 2025/26

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