Overhead photo of a person using a laptop and a digital drawing pad. There are drawings on the table

Short courses. Gain new skills fast.

Fee waivers may be available for those on benefits or low income. You can check if you are eligible here. Please ensure you complete the Fee Waiver Form if you select this ticket type.

If you are a non domiciled Scottish resident your fees may be more than advertised. Please contact us prior to booking.


Business and Finance: An Introduction

In this short course, you will learn how to source start-up capital for a business. You will also learn about important business financial systems and terms including profit and loss, cash flow forecasting and income and expenditure.

  • Sourcing and evaluation sources of start-up capital for a business
  • Managing profit and loss
  • Cash inflow and outflow documents
  • Cash flow forecasting
  • Income and expenditure tracking

This course will run for 6 weeks on Wednesdays.

Start date: Wednesday, April 23rd

Time: 9.30am - 11am

Cost: £25 - Fee waivers available



Piggy bank with coins coming out of it

Business and E-Commerce: An Introduction

In this short course you will learn how to access e-commerce opportunities for a business and the products and services available. Learn about the differences between retailing online and retailing from a premises and how to provide suitable customer care online. You will also learn how to attract customers to your website, and encourage them to return.

  • How to access e-commerce opportunities for a business and the products and services available online.
  • The differences between retailing online and retailing from a premises
  • How to provide suitable customer care online
  • How to attract customers to your website, and encourage them to return.

This course runs for 6 weeks on Wednesdays.

Start date: Wednesday 23rd April

Time: 4pm-5.30pm

Cost: £25 - Fee waivers available


Two women laughing and chatting together

Establishing a Business Identity

In this short course, you will learn how to establish a strong identity for a business idea and how to translate that business idea into a working business including establishing a business name and a logo. By the end of the unit you will be able to develop a business idea into a business identity.

  • Translate a business idea into a working business
  • Identify the key activities to establish your business
  • Identify the resources you need to establish your business
  • Understand the importance of choosing a suitable name for your business and the factors to consider when choosing
  • Explain the business image and create a logo for your business

This course contains no exams or tests. It is assessed through short pieces of written work submitted to your lecturer.

This course lasts 6 weeks on Fridays.

Start date: Friday 25th April

Time: 1.30pm-3pm

Cost: £25 - Fee waivers available


A student being taught in a classroom

Business and Marketing: An Introduction

In this short course you will learn about the components of ‘the marketing mix’ and how to apply them to a business. You will also learn how to undertake market research and evaluate the best research techniques for different situations.

  • Understand the components of the marketing mix
  • Apply the marketing mix to a business, product or service
  • Learn about different ways of undertaking market research
  • Learn how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of market research
  • Design market research for a specific product, service or business

This course runs for 6 weeks on Fridays.

Start date: Friday 25th April

Time: 3pm-4.30pm

Cost: £25 - Fee waivers available


Man looking out to the city

Digital Skills for Beginners

In this short course, you will develop your IT skills including building your confidence with on-screen features, file management, and using software including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. You will also learn how to present information in different ways suitable for what you need and to keep your information safe through cyber security processes.

  • use features on the screen, such as icons, menus, and option buttons to choose operations
  • copy or transfer files between various storage mediums, including internal hard drives, portable drives, cloud-based storage platforms and vice versa
  • create, name, save, copy/transfer, and delete folders and files
  • select applications software suitable for the activity you are doing (for example, word processing, spreadsheet, database, media packages)
  • enter, edit, and output data using appropriate applications software
  • locate information using single search criteria across various modern data sources, for example, internet, cloud-based databases, internal networks, and local storage on personal devices.
  • present information in an appropriate mode (for example, display on screen, print out, play an audio file)
  • keep information safe by using common information communication technology security measures (for example, keeping your own login and password secure, and taking precautions when online)

This course lasts 6 weeks and runs on Fridays. 

Start date: Friday 25th April

Time: 1pm-3pm

Cost: £86 - Fee waivers available

Book Now

Mans hand holding a holograph of computing icons

Developing Skills for Employment

In this short course, you will be guided to do a self-assessment of your skills and experience and develop your CV ready for applying for jobs. You will also learn how to fill in application forms for a career that interests you and to prepare for job interviews.

  • Guided self-assessment of your skills and experience
  • Develop your CV
  • Learn how to complete a job application
  • Learn how to prepare for a job interview

This is a 6 week long course taking place on Thursdays.

Start date: Thursday 24th April

Time: 2pm-4.30pm

Cost: £86 - Fee waivers available

Book Now

Female with arms in the air and smiling