Structure and policies


UHI Argyll operates in an open and transparent way. The following publications provide information on our structure and policies.

Mission Statement

UHI Argyll will provide high quality innovative education opportunities, act as an economic driver to enhance the skills and development of the local economy and develop a reputation for excellence which will encourage students to study in the communities we serve.

Values content



We want to be recognised as:

  • Inclusive - education for all
  • Of our Community – be engaged and responsive
  • Providing individualised learning – be innovative
  • Student centred – respect for the whole student (nurturing, supporting, personalisation)
  • A valued contributor to education and economic development in Argyll and the Isles
  • Good partners – to widen opportunities

We should aspire to:

Curriculum Reputation Resources
  • Industry standard courses (not just SQA)
  • Specialist centres and unique provision (including degree)
  • Be responsive to local needs
  • Develop Research activity
  • Consistent and clear progression
  • Educational tourism
  • Aspirational choice both locally & nationally
  • Recognisable dynamic brand
  • Providing appropriate innovative education
  • First choice provider for local organisations and stakeholders
  • Sustainability in all our operations
  • More responsive to local need
  • More teaching space Flexible space utilisation, maximise usage
  • Defined student space
  • Student halls
  • Appropriate & up to date resources
  • Focused and appropriate support services

We aim to provide a high standard of service. Any expression of dissatisfaction by students or customers is treated seriously. Details of our complaints procedures are now available.

Freedom of Information (Scotland)

Every public authority is required to adopt and maintain a publication scheme.

Structure content



This section is to allow visitors to the site to understand the staffing structure of UHI Argyll and to provide information on UHI Argyll's strategic planning and operational targets.

Organisational Chart 2025

Policies content



The following policies set out our aims and objectives.

  • Data Protection Policy
    UHI Argyll is committed to ensuring that personal data is collected, stored and disposed of in a secure and appropriate manner
  • Employers Liability Insurance
    This is a copy of our current Employers’ Liability Insurance. It has been placed here to make it reasonably accessible to our employees. The original certificate is held on file at our main office.
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
    This Policy defines the framework through which equality of opportunity will be managed for all UHI Argyll staff, students, visitors and other stakeholders, including job applicants and potential students.
  • Further Education Admissions Policy - UHI Argyll
    This policy provides the basis for admissions into further education courses provided by UHI Argyll within the UHI partnership.
  • Policy on Policies
    These policy and procedures set out the framework for the approval and implementation of Policies and Procedures.
  • Recruitment Policy
    UHI Argyll aims to provide a professional and consistent approach to its recruitment and selection of employees, which will be open, transparent and provide equal opportunities to all.
  • Safeguarding Policy
    This policy outlines UHI Argyll's framework for protecting children, young people and adults at risk from harm, abuse and exploitation, and supporting our students and staff through our general Duty of Care.
  • Statement of Fair Work Practices  a document outlining our position in relation to Fair Work principles.
  • UHI Argyll Safeguarding - Procedures
  • UHI Argyll Safeguarding - Reporting Form
  • Value for Money Policy
    This policy and procedure expresses how UHI Argyll recognises its responsibility to achieve value for money from all of its activities.
  • Access and Inclusion Strategy
    This Access and Inclusion strategy is based on UHI Argyll's mission, which is to provide high quality innovative education opportunities, contributing to the development of the Argyll economy and enhancing the quality of life for the communities UHI Argyll serves.
  • Health and Safety Policy 
    It is the aim of UHI Argyll to minimise the risk of injury or ill health to any person who may be affected by our work activities and the Board of Directors are firmly committed to achieving the standards set out within this policy.
  • Conflict of Interest policy and procedure
    The purpose of this Policy Document is to provide guidance on addressing Conflicts of Interest that may arise. The policy applies to all staff and all areas of UHI Argyll provision for all Awarding Bodies associated with qualifications delivered by UHI Argyll.
  • Risk Management Policy
  • UHI Argyll Corporate Parenting Plan
    UHI Argyll recognises that it has a responsibility as a Corporate Parent. As such UHI Argyll will strive to support all care experienced students to improve their outcomes and achievements. The Corporate Parenting Plan shows how UHI Argyll will do this.
    This provides detailed information on our Equality Impact Assessment
  • UHI Argyll Corporate Parenting Plan progress report 2020-2023
  • Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Mainstreaming Report 
    This mainstreaming report sets out the ways in which UHI Argyll is and continues to embed equality into day-to-day functions and operations. It provides information regarding both staff and student equality data
Complaints Handling content

Complaints Handling

Complaints Handling

For more information on our Complaints Handling procedures and processes please visit our dedicated section.


UHI Argyll makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided through this web site, published on the Internet, is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors, including typographical errors, for which we apologise. Information may also be updated or changed at any time without notice.

Documents in this section are in portable document format (pdf) and will open in an external window.