Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Training (SCPLH) - evening

[ When

Starts 6pm . Ends 9pm (for 2 weeks on Wednesdays).

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Join from your local centre

£ Cost

£120 (£90 refresher)

É Contact

Kate Hunter
tel: 07385142470

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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) content

Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH)

barmanThe Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) Level 6 is a mandatory qualification for those wishing to apply for a personal licence to sell or supply alcohol in Scotland.

The qualification covers the syllabus set by the Scottish government and will ensure learners understand the law, regulation and responsibilities attached to the retail sale of alcohol.

Our SCPLH training course allows you to achieve your award across two evenings and is recognised by all Scottish licensing boards.


Personal Licence Holder (SCPLH)| Duration: 2 x 3hr Evening session + 30 minute exam | Cost £120 (£90 for Refresher option - only eligible for people who currently hold a personal licence)