Digital Skills for Beginners

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Digital Skills for Beginners

In this short course, you will develop your IT skills including building your confidence with on-screen features, file management, and using software including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. You will also learn how to present information in different ways suitable for what you need and to keep your information safe through cyber security processes.

  • use features on the screen, such as icons, menus, and option buttons to choose operations
  • copy or transfer files between various storage mediums, including internal hard drives, portable drives, cloud-based storage platforms and vice versa
  • create, name, save, copy/transfer, and delete folders and files
  • select applications software suitable for the activity you are doing (for example, word processing, spreadsheet, database, media packages)
  • enter, edit, and output data using appropriate applications software
  • locate information using single search criteria across various modern data sources, for example, the internet, cloud-based databases, internal networks, and local storage on personal devices.
  • present information in an appropriate mode (for example, display on screen, print out, play an audio file)
  • keep information safe by using common information communication technology security measures (for example, keeping your own login and password secure, and taking precautions when online)